Wednesday, November 10, 2010

This is a FUCKING myth in Mauritius

So once upon a time there was this type of book that was presented to under-fucking-developed countries like ours to make us understand that to gain the boss' confidence and the best seats in the office, well you must be what we say in french, a lĂȘche-bobotte..

There is no other way other than abide by the boss' rules. In fact, it's the very first place that you become instigated by political behaviour and the roots of diplomacy: hypocrisy..

So I read a few lines cos lately things are simply deteriorating and and... the bottom line is simply this:

if you cant beat them join them..
sorry man no-cant-lick-your-boots
that goes to my fattest cowoww

in reference to: Acas - Advice leaflet - Bullying and harassment at work: Guidance for employees (view on Google Sidewiki)

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