22 Advanced CSS Text Effects And Web Typography Tips
Typography takes also very important role in good web designs, so I strongly recommend to read articles I featured there as well! Enjoy and get inspired for your new, advanced web designs!
1. Create a Letterpress Effect with CSS Text-Shadow
2. Text Rotation with CSS
3. Date Display Technique with Sprites
4. CSS Gradient Text Effect
5. CSS Text Gradients
Yet another very similar tutorial about text gradients, but maybe you’ll like both variants trying to explain really how CSS text gradient effects work.
6. Add grunge effect to text using simple CSS
Article is based on the same technique as CSS text gradients using it to add grunge type effect to your typo!
7. Two simple ways to create text embossing effect
8. Text Embossing Technique With CSS
Example from AlexBuga homepage.
9. Codename Rainbows
Beautiful CSS&Javascript code offered by DragonInteractive teaching how to get two-color gradient text effects, shadows and highlights.
10. CSS Drop Shadows
11. Text-Shadow Exposed
Make cool and clever text effects with css text-shadow. Very detailed article teaching you a lot of hidden tips how to achieve text glowing, embossing,shadowing with just few steps.
12. Background gradients and CSS
Pretty cool CSS background effect, which can be applied on hover giving a lot of options use it in creative way!
13. CSS Text-Shadow in Safari, Opera, Firefox and more
14. Text-overflow
15. How To Implement sIFR3 Into Your Website
16. How To Use Any Font You Wish With FLIR
For Further Reading – More Typography Tips In Sucessful Web Designs
17. How to use headings in HTML
18. Advanced Typography techniques using CSS
19. 10 Examples of Beautiful CSS Typography and how they did it…
Beautiful article explaining simple but very effective CSS tricks how to achieve beautiful typography effects with just a few lines of code.
20. Typographic Contrast and Flow
Nick La teaches how to apply right contrasts and flow in your webdesigns explaining why and what works and how to achieve that effect.
21. The Elements of Typographic Style applied in Webdesign
22. 5 Principles And Ideas Of Setting Type On The Web
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