Friday, May 18, 2012

21 Most Used Fonts By Professional Designers | Fonts | instantShiftThe fonts are one of the most important parts of every web Project. All though there have been many other selective collection font posts around which most of the time leads to big confusions Like which typefaces is really useful for your project or how to choose your font...

Gimp permet de recadrer une photo facilement. Nous allons pour l’exemple recadrer cette photo en cherchant à conserver uniquement la partie gauche de l’image :  On va utiliser pour cela l’outil selection rectangulaire afin de faire le contour de la zone à conserver avec cette outil :  On fais alors un cadre de la zone à conserver. Si la zone n’est pas bonne, vous pouvez annuler la selection...

Combiner les images avec GIMP...

Nous allons placer notre premier noeud par un simple clic pour commencer à détourer cette jolie cuillère.Nous allons ensuite placer notre deuxième noeud tout en restant appuyé sur le clic gauche de la souris, vous allez alors pouvoir déplacer la souris et voir un segment entre nos deux noeuds se déplacer. Lors de cette manipulation, deux...

25+ jQuery Plugins that enhance and beautify HTML form elements Focus will be laid out on the following aspects Form Skinning Form Validation Masking File Uploader Checkbox & Radio Button Spin Button & Slider Auto Complete Calendar & Time picker Drop Down Menu (Select Element) Color Picker Textar...

Text-Shadow Exposed: Make cool and clever text effects with css text-shadow by Matthias KretschmannThe aim of this article is to give you a quick introduction of a css property named text-shadow which was first included in CSS2 (but it’s not implemented in all browsers yet). Nevertheless you can make some cool effects with it, which could...

Using CSS Text-Shadow to Create Cool Text Effects The CSS3 text-shadow property has been around for some time now and is commonly used to recreate Photoshop’s Drop Shadow type shading to add subtle shadows which help add depth, dimension and to lift an element from the page. This isn’t all the text-shadow property is capable of though,...

22 Advanced CSS Text Effects And Web Typography TipsYou definitely should have seen those advanced CSS text effects for now already, they are rapidly getting popular as upcoming and current trend in good webdesign. The best thing about these effects is, it can be achieved with pure CSS, no more image replacements and image heavy web designs....

Thursday, May 17, 2012

A Common Problem and a Simple SolutionFiled under: ScribeFire, Troubleshooting, WordPress by Christopher FinkeOne of the most common bugs reported for ScribeFire is a variation on this theme:“When I post to WordPress, all of the HTML is stripped out. e.g., <br /> appears as ‘br /’.”This is not a bug in ScribeFire; rather, it is a bug in a piece of software called PHP that is used to run your blogging software.The (hard)...

Monday, May 14, 2012

When you're in the jungle?This helps a lot ...Where is php.ini located?That's the largest font I got to make my voice hhheard.  Then I came across this blog, so share and have sex :)Well it depends on the Linux distribution you are using, the version of php and the way you install it with Apache web server. Php.ini may be here:/etc/php.iniOr...
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